JUNE 2023


The Guaranteed Buyer at one of the auctions in April for the first time sold the volume of electrical energy as per pre-war times under bilateral contracts    

In April 2023, the state-owned enterprise held 10 auctions for the sale of electric energy, including 3 auctions with supply on working days, and one thematic with the sale of solar energy. The total volume of sales is 350,584 MWh. In most auctions the capacity of sold electricity was between 13,000 up to 30,000 MWh, but on April 10, The Guaranteed Buyer managed to sell more than 200,000 MWh for the first time in a year.

The last time such volumes of electricity were sold in one auction was before the start of a full-scale invasion, namely in January 2022. At this auction on January 13, 322,550 MWh of electricity was sold.

At this recent auction, block bids were placed, which provides for the execution during the settlement period (hours)/several consecutive settlement periods (hours) of a day of delivery, indicating the corresponding period of release/selection and days - "working"/"non-working"/"all". In this case, the sale was made for daytime hours (08-20, 09-19, 10-18, 11-17) and the realization of the goods was 100 %. The volume of realization is 226,145 MWh of electric energy with average price 2,795.94 UAH/MWh.

In May, the largest volume of electricity since the beginning of 2023 was sold at "green" auctions, namely 591,690 MWh.

For comparison, in the same period last year in 2022, 268,910 MWh were sold.

In recent months, the amount of electricity that we can offer to the market has significantly increased. This isseen in the weighted average selling price in May 2023 reaching UAH 2,677.77/MWh.

"Guaranteed Buyer" received only 6 applications for temporary exit from the balancing group     

Earlier, INTEGRITES reported that in the end of July 2022 Ukrainian Parliament approved the law allowing renewable energy producers benefitting from the feed-in tariff to temporarily exit the Guaranteed Buyer balancing group which by now is indirectly a pre-requisite for receiving the feed-in tariff. 

To make such exit technically possible Ukrainian Energy Regulator (NEURC) enacted special regulation on April 25, 2023. 

According to the Guaranteed Buyer, as of May 16, only 6 renewable producers benefitting from the “feed-in” tariff applied for the exit from the Guaranteed Buyer balancing group, ExPro reports. The Guaranteed Buyer also states that with the outbreak of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine some renewable energy producers benefitting from the “feed-in” tariff terminated power purchase agreements (not under the exit procedure, but under general procedure that allow renewable energy producers to initiate termination of the PPA with the Guaranteed Buyer) with the Guaranteed Buyer and went to market where they have been selling renewable electricity under market terms. However, 5 companies have already returned to the Guaranteed Buyer balancing group.

"This indicates that the contractors tried to enter the free market on their own, weighed the results and decided that it was more profitable for them to return”, the state company said.

At the same time, Guaranteed Buyer points out that, according to the forecasts of specialized renewable energy associations, up to 20% of participants may leave the balancing group in 2023.

"But the time to leave in May-September is unfavorable, when there is a large surplus in the market and prices are falling. Perhaps someone will leave in the autumn and winter, when demand is rising, but it's too early to say," the Guaranteed Buyer explained.

Payments for electricity from renewables amounted to 56.3% in April    

The level of payments to renewable energy companies has not exceeded 60% for three months in a row, and even less in the first 10 days of May - 49.9%.

The highest figure for January - 91% - is irrelevant, as most wind farms are under occupation, and solar generation was minimally operational, so payments were not high.

Meanwhile, NPC Ukrenergo, which has had a deficit transmission tariff since the beginning of the year, is expected to continue to increase its debt to Guaranteed Buyer for renewable energy services. 
In just one month, it increased by UAH 2.2 billion and reached UAH 18.2 billion.


Ukraine has adopted a state standard for biomethane

The state enterprise UkrNDNC has adopted a national standard for biomethane injection into gas networks, both distribution and main ones. The document details the technical characteristics of biomethane for supply to the network. It has been developed following the EU requirements by specialists from the Regional Gas Company.

The new standard complies with the basic EU technical standard used to define the requirements for biomethane quality and the content of chemical compounds in it. From now on, DSTU EN 16723-1:2023 Natural Gas and Biomethane for Use in Transport and Biomethane for Injection in the Natural Gas Network has become a part of Ukrainian legislation. It will be used to issue technical specifications for the connection of biomethane plants to gas distribution networks.

The SE UkrNDNC has approved this state standard. All network operators can use it in their work. This is important in terms of market development and technical improvement of procedures and regulations, which has always been one of the critical objectives of RGC as a production and technology company.

Combining biomethane quality requirements with the European standard is an essential step towards creating conditions for biomethane exports to European countries and further integration of gas markets. Biomethane is a sustainable decarbonized form of energy. Thus Ukraine, which is at the beginning of its market development, should lay the foundation for its development following the EU standards.

The standard was developed by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (IFNTUOG), involving specialists from Zhytomyrgaz JSC and the Technical Committee of RGC. The document will come into force on November 1, 2023.

Construction of more than 30 biomethane plants is being considered in Ukraine 

The Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine is ready to provide biomethane transportation services. Currently, more than 10 companies have applied to GTSOU, which is considering the construction of the 31st biomethane plant with a capacity of 225 million cubic meters per year, GTSOU said during the committee hearings. 

According to Dmytro Lipp, Head of the GTSOU, it is important to unify regulatory requirements for biomethane with EU countries and eliminate domestic restrictions on its export. This applies to both the harmonization of customs formalities for the movement of biomethane across the border and the issuance of guarantees and certificates of origin that will be recognized both in the domestic and foreign markets.


The Regulator changes the price caps on the electricity market

According to news reports, NEURC (the National electricity market Regulator) decided to remove effectively as of June 30, 2023, price caps in DAM, IDM and the balancing market that were introduced on May 31, 2022, in order to reduce the electricity prices in the circumstances of the russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The decision had not been published yet.

NEURC voted to (1) remove the floor off-peak (UAH 1,378.97/MWh) and peak (UAH 2,646.25/MWh) prices and off-peak (UAH 2,000.00/MWh) and peak (UAH 4,000.00/MWh) price caps at DAM; (2) remove the floor price at IDM (that is 102% of the DAM price), and (3) remove the balancing market price caps at 120% of DAM price. The NEURC’s decision displaying reported changes had been officially published.

Such removal of price caps should not be considered a shift to a market with free prices.

On June 8, 2023, NEURC published the draft of the resolution approving the establishment of price caps in accordance with the current Methodology approved by the NEURC at the request of the Law "On the Electricity Market".

According to the Draft, NEURC proposes to set the max-price cap at DAM equal to UAH 2,706.63 / MWh for off-peak load and UAH 5,413.26 / MWh for peak load, and the min-price cap at UAH 10 / MWh. For IDM NEURC considers the max-price cap at DAM equal to UAH 2,706.63 / MWh for off-peak load and UAH 5,413.26 / MWh for peak load.

What refers to the balancing market, NEURC is to decide whether to establish the lower margin price equal to UAH 0.01 / MWH and a price cap of 125% of the DAM price.

The public consultations on the Draft changes took place on June 15, 2023, NEURC is reflecting before making its final decision regarding the Draft changes before June 30, 2023.


EBRD and Italy cooperating to support energy security in Ukraine

Italy, a founding member of the EBRD and a strategic partner, signed an agreement to provide grants worth up to €10 million to support the Bank’s operations in Ukraine, to support the electricity transmission system operator, Ukrenergo. 

To ensure the continued provision of vital energy services to affected people and businesses, the Bank has been focusing on providing working capital and grants to the two leading state-owned energy companies Ukrenergo and Naftogaz. The funding from Italy will help provide Ukrenergo with liquidity and carry out emergency repairs.

Ukraine and Germany launch a joint project to equip critical infrastructure with renewable energy sources

On 23 of May, Ukraine and Germany reported upon launching the Renewable Energy for Sustainable Ukraine (R2U) project for Ukrainian communities. This is the first stage of implementation of the agreements signed in Kyiv by Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko and German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck to deepen the German-Ukrainian energy partnership with a focus on green recovery and rebuilding of Ukraine's energy sector.

The project will select up to 20 communities to conduct energy audits of critical infrastructure buildings for further equipping them with renewable energy sources. The project is designed for 18 months and costs about €2 million.

The details of the project launch were discussed during the online presentation by Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yaroslav Demchenkov, representatives of the R2U project, GIZ Ukraine, and other involved organizations.

The first solar power plant with a capacity of 0.783 MW was launched in Kirovograd region

The region's first photovoltaic solar power plant with a capacity of 0.783 MW is in the village of Ivanivka, Novoukrainsky district, and is already generating electricity.

The plant can generate 1.3 MWh of electricity, which will be supplied to the grid, the press service of the Kirovohrad Regional State Administration reported.

The plant is capable of supplying electricity to the entire Novoukrainskyi district. The SPP covers an area of 2.7 hectares. The amount of investment exceeds UAH 25 million.

DTEK Renewables launches the first stage of Tiligulska wind farm in Mykolaiv region

Before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, six wind turbines were installed at the site, and another 13 were installed during martial law.

Construction work at the site resumed in September 2022, and the 19th wind turbine was installed at the end of March 2023.

The projected annual electricity generation is 390 million kWh. This is enough to meet the annual energy consumption of up to 200,000 households. The plant will also reduce CO2 emissions by 400,000 tons per year.

The design capacity of DTEK Tiligulska Wind Farm (four stages) is 500 MW and 83 wind turbines. The company plans to build the wind farm to its planned capacity.

The projected annual electricity production of the fully completed wind farm will be 1.7 billion kWh, which is enough to supply electricity to 900,000 households. The wind farm will reduce CO2 emissions by 1.7 million tons per year.

On 22 of May, Tiligul wind farm offered 5,040 MWh baseload power capacity, period of supply May 25-31, 2023. 
The offer is for 30 MW of base load for May 25-31. The starting price is 3500 UAH/MWh.


“Ukrenergo” modernized the power transmission line between Ukraine and Poland  

The Ukrainian power system received a new strong connection with Europe as Ukrenergo together with Polish transmission system operator PSE modernized a powerful electricity transmission line between Poland and Ukraine. The revived interconnector with Poland is operational since 27 April 2023 and successfully worked 3 days in trial mode. This interstate power transmission line means additional reliability for the Ukrainian power system as a component of the European electricity network.

The total length of the line reaches almost 400 km, with more than 70% of it passing through the territory of Ukraine. The line is connected to the trunk network through an open switchgear at one of the Ukrainian power facilities. The main scope of the works was performed in this node, so that the electricity generated by the Ukrainian power system could be converted to the European voltage of 400 kV and transmitted to Europe. 125 specialists (45 Ukrenergo employees and 80 contractors) worked on the construction of this facility on the part of Ukraine for five months during the war.

The total cost of the project amounted UAH 350 million. In addition, several necessary equipment was provided free of charge by Polish party.

On 15 of May Ukraine officially started commercial export of electricity by this power transmission line.

Ukraine suspends cross-border electricity trade with EU

On 24 of May, Ukrenergo officially reported on the suspension of cross-border electricity export and import to EU. 
The absence of electricity exports from Ukraine is due to the need to cover the country's domestic consumption needs throughout the day and to ensure reserves for the evening hours of maximum consumption.

"The suspension of electricity exports is a temporary phenomenon, it is not similar to the decision made on October 11 last year, when exports were completely suspended for an indefinite period due to the start of shelling. Now it is a situational decision made by Ukrenergo to ensure the supply of electricity to Ukrainian consumers and businesses," said Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Board of the company.

"We expect that the balance sheet will be revised starting from the weekend or next week and, possibly, exports will resume in certain limited volumes," he added.


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