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Distribution of NPC Ukrenergo's surplus 2023 income to settle its debts in the market
On 25 February, the NEURC adopted amendments to Resolution No. 1143 of 19 June 2024, in line with the implementation of Law of Ukraine No. 4213-IX, which came into force on 9 February 2025. The amendments allocate UAH 10.7 billion in surplus income from NPC Ukrenergo’s 2023 dispatching activities for use by 31 December 2025.
The distribution of these funds is as follows:
Increase in electricity imports
In February 2025, Ukraine increased its electricity imports by nearly 30% compared to January 2025, reaching 244,000 MWh.
The majority of these imports came from Hungary (35%) and Slovakia (30%), while the smallest share was received from Moldova, some of which was likely re-imported from Romania. Despite this increase, only 30-50% of the reserved import capacity is being utilized on any given day.
Ukraine introduced a capacity reservation mechanism for wind power plants
On 9 February 2025, Law of Ukraine ‘On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine in the Fields of Energy and Heat Supply on Improvement of Certain Provisions Related to Conducting Business Activities and the Effect of Martial Law in Ukraine’ No. 4213-IX (the ‘Law’) came into effect. It improves the regulatory framework for the grid connection of renewable generating facilities and is intended to attract private investment for the installation of distributed generation on sites owned by the state, local communities and municipalities.
The Law improves the conditions for the installation of energy storage and power generating facilities from renewable sources – consistent with the EU's policies in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package (2019), which emphasises the importance of self-sustainability and self-organisation of consumers and producers into autonomous energy communities and balancing groups. The restated wording of Article 9-6(20) of Law of Ukraine ‘On Alternative Energy Sources’ encourages an increase in power prosumers among (i) private households, (ii) state-owned or municipally owned enterprises, and (iii) state and local authorities.
For more details, please see our recent publications on the topic:
Establishment of a national greenhouse gas emissions trading system
On 21 February, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a plan to establish a national greenhouse gas emissions trading system. The plan defines the stages of this system's implementation, which is harmonised with the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and Directive 2003/87/EC, establishing a scheme for the trading of greenhouse gas emission permits within the Community:
The system is expected to be implemented in three stages:
Resumption of monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions
The President of Ukraine has signed a law 'On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Restoration of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.' This law reinstates mandatory monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of emissions for facilities subject to regulation, except for those that are uncontrolled, destroyed, in temporarily occupied territories or have officially suspended operations.
The law classifies operators based on the damage done to their facilities (undamaged, partially destroyed or completely destroyed) and defines reporting obligations for each category. This legislation supports Ukraine's reform commitments under the Ukraine Facility Plan.
Ukrenergo reports it has completed the collection of bids for load-following power generation development
In line with Article 29 of the Law of Ukraine 'On the Electricity Market' and the Procedure for Holding a Tender for Generating Capacity Construction and Demand Management, the Ukrainian government has moved forward with critical steps to strengthen the country’s energy security.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued Resolution No. 756-r on 13 August 2024, authorizing a tender for the construction of generating capacity and implementation of demand management measures. This decision aims to address energy challenges resulting from the Russian Federation's military aggression, safeguard national energy security, and mitigate the consequences of emergencies.
We have explained the terms and conditions of the contract that will be awarded to the winning bidder - read the in recent update.
In early March 2025, Ukrenergo announced that 14 companies were ready to compete for the respective contract; the bids-assessment stage has not yet been launched. We are monitoring the tendering procedure and will keep you posted on further developments.
International support for Ukraine's energy sector
Australia contributed an additional EUR 6 million to Ukraine’s Energy Support Fund, bringing its total contribution to approximately EUR 18 million.
Iceland transferred more than EUR 2 million to the fund, increasing its total contribution to over EUR 5.6 million.
Italy pledged EUR 13 million to the Energy Support Fund.
Naftogaz signs a Memorandum with Hyundai
On 29 January, Naftogaz Ukraine signed a memorandum of cooperation with HD Hyundai XiteSolution. The agreement covers several key areas, including the procurement of modern construction equipment for energy infrastructure, development of services and training programs and adoption of advanced technologies.
We have explained the terms and conditions of the contract that will be awarded to the winning bidder in our latest update, for more details, please follow the link:
Ukrenergo announces call for bids: development of 700MW load-following power plants
In early March 2025, Ukrenergo announced that 14 companies were ready to compete for the respective contract; the bids-assessment stage has not yet been launched. We are monitoring the tendering procedure and will keep you posted on further developments.
Vitagro Energy, part of the Vitagro agricultural holding, became Ukraine’s first biomethane exporter, delivering 67,500 cubic meters to Europe on 7 February. The buyer was ERU Europe.
Oril Leader PJSC, part of the MHP agro-industrial holding, exported 27,400 cubic meters of biomethane on 11 February, making it the second Ukrainian company to enter the biomethane export market.
Gals Agro is also producing biomethane and has begun to inject it into Ukraine’s underground gas storage facilities.
According to the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, domestic producers have accumulated approximately two million cubic meters of biomethane in storage.
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